Are you all getting sick and tired of our two party systemized Governmental control, our immoral propagandized biased MEDIA, and the continuous silence from Washington DC on moral issues and protecting the US Constitution?
One hundred and fifty TEA parties are going on across the Nation and not really any true MEDIA coverage of public outrage nor is there ANY Government response except more TELEPROMPT LIES? Why oh why do we have to continue to witness these immoral atrocities blatantly ever forcing themselves in our country? GOD PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON US AND EXPOSE THE WICKED.
Where's media for tea party event?
Exclusive: Andrea Shea King says reporters missing assembly of 5,000
Posted: March 23, 2009
7:14 pm Eastern
By Andrea Shea King
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Saturday's Tea Party in Orlando, Fla., was by all measures a huge success, attracting an estimated 5,000 to 6,000 Central Floridians, according to event organizer Lisa Feroli.
I was a featured speaker – if you'd like to read my remarks, they are available here.
And for a comprehensive look at the crowd, the signs – and they were creative! – head here.
Entertainer Lloyd Marcus debuted his "American Tea Party Anthem" which rocked the Orlando crowd. Ever since WorldNetDaily reported on this anthem, Marcus has been invited to perform it at Tea Parties from coast to coast.
The media's abysmal interest was matched only by Florida's politicians, none of whom showed up despite receiving personal invitations from Tea Party organizers.
Tea Parties also were brewing this past weekend in Raleigh, N.C., Lexington, Ky., and Ridgefield, Ct.
Hundreds more Tea Parties are planned for April 15.
This is your online HQ for the Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party Rallies. The Tax Day Tea Party is a national collaborative grassroots effort organized by Smart Girl Politics, Top Conservatives on Twitter, and the DontGo Movement as well as others.
We the People
We the People Stimulus Package, a video posted on You Tube March 13, has gone viral, appearing on websites all over the Internet. In one week, it had been viewed more than 222,000 times. Produced by "funbobbasso," the vid portrays an actor dressed in the colonial garb of Thomas Paine, admonishing Americans to deal with a Congress that is ignoring our Constitution. As one video commenter noted: "This is fantastic... I only hope enough people take the time to listen, and then become as mad as me. I am mad as hell, and I won't take it anymore."
An earlier video produced by "funbobbasso" and posted last July, titled "The Second American Revolution," received more than two and a half million views.
Mr. Prompter?
It mysteriously appeared after radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh began referring to Obama's teleprompter in the third person. A blogsite purporting to be Obama's teleprompter immediately went viral among conservative bloggers who began commenting on it and posting links to it at their sites. Barack Obama's Teleprompter Blog touts itself as "Reflections from the hard drive of the machine that enables the voice of the Leader of the Free World."
Teleprompter has also joined the league of Twitterers. Follow "Prompter" here. Be prepared to laugh because this is some of the funniest political satire on the Internet. By the way, you'll be able to see Obama's teleprompter Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET when Obama gives a televised press conference from the White House.
5000 Year Leap
"The 5000 Year Leap, a Miracle that Changed the World" is a book that comes highly recommended by Glenn Beck. This book will enhance your understanding of the unique experiment that America was in comparison to all that had preceded it. You will read the words of the founders and understand a divine providence leading to the establishment of an American nation. Take advantage of a free download of the book written by author: W. Cleon Skousen, and read by: Earl Taylor Jr.
Smart money?
StimulusWatch.org was built to help the new administration keep its pledge to invest stimulus money smartly, and to hold public officials to account for the taxpayer money they spend. This website gives citizens with local knowledge about the proposed "shovel-ready" projects in their city, the ability to find, discuss, and rate those projects. These projects are not part of the stimulus bill. They are candidates for funding by federal grant programs once the bill passes. Learn more by reading the FAQs.
Find a project that interests you, or about which you have special knowledge, and tell them what you think. You can find projects by searching or by browsing by locality or program type. Once you find a program, there are three things you can do: 1) vote on whether you believe the project is critical or not; 2) edit the project's description and points in favor or against, and 3) post a comment about the project.
All about the Fed
Here's everything you ever wanted to know about the Federal Reserve.
Congress is action
This is a list of the most-viewed bills on OpenCongress from the current 111th session. Use the "sort by" option to view the list by different timeframes and more. On each bill's page, you can view its official Congressional actions, read news and blog coverage, subscribe to RSS feeds for updates and more. "My OpenCongress" users can easily track bills, vote on bills, participate on comment boards, and more. To find bills from previous sessions, visit Search, or to see recently popular bills, visit Battle Royale.
Film we should be watching
"Blogger ThirdWave Dave came across this jewel of a video and called it "The film we should be watching." It's a black and white film that runs about 10 minutes and asks the question: Despotism or Democracy, which society do you live in? The film was originally created by Encyclopedia Britannica shortly after World War II (1945).
Check it out – it’s loaded with irony and points to the fact that some things just never change. I think you'll benefit from watching it.
Jidah camps
Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs blogsite does her homework and reports on matters of national and geo-political importance that the mainstream media ignore.
She has an alarming post about Jihad training camps operating right here on our soil.There are a reported 35 compounds, villages and communities inside the United States. Many are wondering why our government allows these facilities to stay open. And why the media isn't covering it. Watch and learn with this video clip from a segment of Sean Hannity's TV program.
Washington scoundrels
Here's how you can keep track of what those scoundrels in Washington are doing. GovTrack helps you keep tabs on the U.S. Congress. This site is not affiliated with the U.S. government, it is non-commercial, non-partisan, and an open source project. Follow the status of federal legislation and subscribe to RSS feeds and email updates to keep up with the latest activity in Congress. Stay on top of them with this handy little tool. It's all about making the Internet work for you.
Books, books books
We mentioned Shelfari in a previous column, but it bears repeating because there have been some new changes popping up on the bookshelf. Now there's an easier, more enjoyable way to add books to your shelf, write reviews, add ratings, find similar books and more. Build a virtual bookshelf. See what your friends are reading. Discover new books. See what the critics say. You get to be the critic by reading and reviewing your books so friends can see what you think.