Supremes strike 'hate crime' statute (Pennsylvania)
('Preaching about sin of sodomy should not be made illegal')
The Supreme Court in Pennsylvania has declared the "hate crimes" laws used to jail the Philadelphia 11 in 2004 violated the state constitution. In a four-line statement this week, the court said the ruling from the lower Commonwealth Court "is affirmed for the reasons ably set forth in the opinion of the Honorable James Gardner Collins, which opinion is adopted as that of the Supreme Court." "We are very happy that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled in our favor to stop the governor and a group of corrupt politicians from sneaking a 'hate crimes' bill through the Pennsylvania legislature," said Judge Roy Moore, of the Foundation for Moral Law. "Preaching to homosexuals about the sin of sodomy should not be made a 'thought crime' in Pennsylvania or any other state," he said. Michael Marcavage, director of Repent America and a petitioner in the case, said, "Having been arrested, jailed and charged with a 'hate crime' for preaching the Gospel, I am elated that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld the lower court's ruling in striking down Pennsylvania's expanded 'hate crimes' law." He said the methods used in the legislature to implement the law were "extremely devious." Marcavage called it "yet another chilling example as to how far politicians are willing to go to silence Christian speech that they would violate our own state constitution to do it."
(Sodomite (anti) Ten Commandments in Georgia called the Georgia Guidestones)
Romans 1:24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their [own] hearts to sexual impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin],
Again I continue to write and bring the truth to an audience who will listen praying anyone who reads these words will be saved from the deserved wrath to come on all who remain disobedient which is our just reward. The practitioners of sodomy continue to bring forth their shameful political causes behind closed doors ever bribing politicians or lawmakers for their cause so they can grasp control and destroy the moral freedoms our history rich in bravery to be the land of the morally free. It is very sad that the abuse of the US Constitution continues in all our courts in every State to where we are witnessing out right mockery of what our country stood for. It is a slap in the face of every brave soldier who fights for the rights of all American's who fought for her in our past and to our brave soldiers over seas today who have it instilled that they are fighting for the freedom of America and the same establishments for other nations ruled by Sodom-minded tyrannist's or sodom-minded religious tyrannist's who hate what America really stands for. On another note we in America still need to repair all and cure all the iniquity that continues to plague our nation and we are the rulers of all these it shows. We are still the leaders in sodomized trades whether physical or spiritual. We are the porn kings, the drug lords, the pimp lords, Sex slave traders, children degraders, CHILDREN ABORTERS, FAKE SCIENCE DISTRIBUTORS, fairy tale pushers, family destroyers, Law court abusers,(add your proof of iniquity here) need I say more? What terrible titles that the other nations see that we are instead of the GOD fearing, obeying, God in Christ JESUS lovers we are supposed to be no matter what anyone who remains willfully ignorant says. Nothing is civil about Sodomy or homosexuality period. It is basically and factually lawbreaking acts and in the face of GOD abominations period. What part of that will you not understand.
But there are still a few of those with lots of wealth who continue to spend tax payer money and their personal money in vain continuing this lost cause that seems to be tyrannically powerful but in reality the Sodomites have power because most moral Americans basically are asleep in pessimistic-ISMs ideology for the most part. Do not let me get started on Most Christians in America. We must continue to stand against those haters of GOD in disguise who continue to demoralize America. I pray you come to your senses and stand up for Righteousness too. Because lies lik eth epicture below will continue to rear its ugly disgusting heads consistently if you do not.
We all know these are the last days and these things are temporarily ever present but taking a stand is showing ther lost the HOPE that is in you and it is very Bright if HE is in you. Amen?
Richard White (C) July 21 2008)
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