Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is Global Government a Threat under Obama?

"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right ... and a desire to know; but besides this, they have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean the characters and conduct of their rulers."
John Adams, second President of the United States

COMMENTARY(after RON PAUL article)

"To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right - is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will."
Ronald Reagan

Ron Paul Warns Of Great Shift Toward Global Government Under Obama

Texas Congressman and 2008 presidential candidate Ron Paul has warned that the euphoria surrounding the election of Barack Obama combined with the overwhelming fear of major international crises could facilitate a cataclysmic shift toward a new world order . . . .
"Just as a Republican Congress wouldn't say boo to a Republican [president], you know that the Democratic Congress is never going to stand up."
"I think it is very dangerous and the first year is going to be the most dangerous year." Paul stated. "Just think of Bush's first year, he also had the 9/11 thing that he could use to scare everybody to death. And Obama will use the financial crisis, which will get worse, and there will be more military skirmishes around the world." Paul asserted . . . .
Commenting on the much touted "International crisis" that luminaries such as Colin Powell, Joe Biden and Zbigniew Brzezinski have all guaranteed will occur within weeks of Obama entering the White House, the Congressman stated that he believes it may be a catalyst for a shift toward world government:
"I think it's going to be an announcement of a new monetary order , and they'll probably make it sound very limited, they're not going to say this is world government, even though it is if you control the world’s money and you control the military, which they do indirectly."
"A world central bank, worldwide regulation and world control of the whole system, of all the commodities and all the natural resources, what else can you call it other than world government?"
"Obama wouldn't be there if he didn't toe the line, and when the meeting starts on November 15th for the new monetary system, this could be the beginning of the end of what's left of our national sovereignty." Paul said, also warning that the global media are already hailing Obama as the world's leader.
With Obama having previously announced that he will shift military attention to Pakistan, the Congressman also warned that the president-elect will, thanks to the previous administration, have the necessary precedent to escalate the war on terror:
"It's the philosophy of the Bush doctrine, which was that we have the right to pre-emptively strike anybody and then he even expanded that recently by saying we don't have to invade and conquer, but we have the right to go in and bomb anybody without their permission, and that's why we go into Pakistan and Syria, which are acts of war. So they have the tools to do it and the sentiment and most Americans are oblivious to what is happening."
Paul also suggested that any escalation could be facilitated by false flag events such as Gulf of Tonkin style incidents. [emphasis added] Source:infowars.com

If we are not governed by GOD then we will be ruled by tyrants. (William Penn.)


It truly show the sleepiness and or laziness of American's these last elections by sitting in front of the TUBE and seemingly being brainwashed by all the political washed out Republicans and desperate Liberal Dems in the biased media coverage we witnessed these last two years. Obama won by a land slidden electoral votes which is truly something else because people bought the same old political lie of CHANGE once again and do you really think OBAMA is going to CHANGE the system? I would pray that CHANGE Obama presented would be to bring our country back to ORIGINAL INTENT which is fool proof if we keep immorality out of the political system which is next to impossible because of mankind deadness in sin against GOD. Of course I know as a Christian that men who reject Christ JESUS the KING who is truly ruling the WORLD now and is coming to show the world who HE truly is really soon or try to bring JESUS down to our sinful level never truly get it no matter how intelligent they may seem or how many college degrees they have. Even Leaders of the Free world or not are not exempt from sheer blindness from sin in their lives that rules them with an iron fist because they do not have Christ JESUS.

Next we are concerned that OBAMA will destroy the fabric of AMERICA's national sovereignty because of his many Global Stances, being part of the CFR and a major supporter for the UN. Also a FEDite and will not help remove the illegal IRS. Some say he will make the economy worse with higher taxes and more Government controlled programs. BIG GOVERNMENT IS A NO NO. Some say his so called marxist background will be part of his LIBERALISM making abortion again a commodity, Same sex marriage a priority even though the voters in most of every states voted against the unnatural perversions and Big government a necessity. Again I say BIG GOVERNMENT IS NOT CONSTITUTIONAL.

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States

So we wait and see as to the rumors, so called prophecies, speculations and whatever else I can come up with about our New President elect and let US pry for his soul and that OBAMA is governed by GOD and t hat he acts on his conscience rather than public opinion.

RW NOV 12 2008 (C)

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