Thursday, November 6, 2008

MORE Violence and hate crime urged against marriage supporters or People who Obey God's Statutes.

Proverbs 21:7
The violence of the wicked shall sweep them away, because they refuse to do justice.

As GOD surely promised in Deuteronomy 32:35;

"Vengeance is Mine, and recompense, in the time when their foot shall slide; for the day of their disaster is at hand and their doom comes speedily".

HE will fulfill this and it is guaranteed. Now again in this second Posting , it is even more amazing that this what our Country and States get when we tolerate wickedness of any kind. People who are bound and condemned in their sins already are a product of that sin which brings on that condemning behavior. Now just imagine if they are lost in that mental state of weeping and gnashing of teeth forever as JESUS said to all who reject HIM. They sure seem to be practicing this now as a dress rehearsal. OH ELECT COME OUT OF THAT PERVERSION PLEASE BEFORE YOU TIME IS UP. Yes the one who gave them life and calls many out of their condemnation at this moment. IF these people truly were seeking fairness and equality then they would realize that their sin has no bounds over TRUE LOVE which only GOD provides. Fairness and equality means that since the People spoke out against their stance on Same Sex marriage by voting against it and WON, it is only fair to respect the decision of the country and those in their State. But this does not seem to be the case for the ACLU or the G&L movements. They are more tyrannical that they let on to be. They now want to try again to override the fairness of the voting system by the people which is again wasting more time to have their unnatural way to continue to justify the sin their in which they will never ever be able to do because Conscience never lies. It knows RIGHT and WRONG period and if they had a victory it would add to their temporary sinful walls they think they can hide behind because in their own vain imagination this would falsely secure them in their sin and temporarily rid them of the guilt that continue to lash out in their own beings.But this did not happen because people used common sense at the polls and voted for Prop 8 and the others in other states because FACTS and REALITY prove that a UNION can only be between a man and a WOMAN period. That can NEVER be forced on a society that will NEVER be ASEXUAL.
You Cannot force a DOG to be A CAT ever if that makes any sense in the human sense. A Dog is a DOG and a CAT is a CAT. A MALE HUMAN is a MALE HUMAN and a FEMALE HUMAN is a FEMALE HUMAN PERIOD. They, both MALE and FEMALE, can only mate. That is natural LAW and it could never be change. Even if Prop 8 and the other lost the FACTS remain the same. But these perverted enforcers continue to try and reject the TRUTH and HIS order of natural LAW that is a FACT and they will do any means to get there way which is a HATE CRIME against humanity. They will murder to get their way and do all sorts of violence(SEE ARTICLE BELOW)which really proves and EXPOSES who these persons really are inside. Full of all kinds of wickedness that they do not know what they do truly. May we continue to pray to their souls as well as reach them with the LOVE and mercy GOD gave to US that saved US.

JUDE 1:17-23
17But you must remember, beloved, the predictions which were made by the apostles (the special messengers) of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
18They told you beforehand, In the last days (in the end time) there will be scoffers [who seek to gratify their own unholy desires], following after their own ungodly passions.
19It is these who are [agitators] setting up distinctions and causing divisions--merely sensual [creatures, carnal, worldly-minded people], devoid of the [Holy] Spirit and destitute of any higher spiritual life.20But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [[d]make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;
21Guard and keep yourselves in the love of God; expect and patiently wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)--[which will bring you] unto life eternal.
22And refute [so as to] convict some who dispute with you, and on some have mercy who waver and doubt.
23[Strive to] save others, snatching [them] out of [the] fire; on others take pity [but] with fear, loathing even the garment spotted by the flesh and polluted by their sensuality.

RWhite editor

Violence urged against marriage supporters

Charlie Butts and Jody Brown - OneNewsNow - 11/6/2008 12:45:00 PMBookmark and Share

(Caution: This story contains terms that some may consider vulgar.)

A Christian legal expert is calling for an investigation of a number of homosexual activists for advocating violence against supporters of traditional marriage.

Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel checked blogs of homosexual activists in the aftermath of Election Day and was shocked at the response to three more states -- California, Arizona, and Florida -- approving constitutional amendments declaring marriage to be between one man and one woman.

"A number of homosexuals and homosexual activists are actually calling for violence, calling for churches to be burned to the ground -- churches that supported these amendments," he explains. The call for violence includes killing Christians.

In a written statement Barber quotes from several blogs --

"Can someone in CA please go burn down the Mormon temples there, PLEASE. I mean seriously. DO IT."
"I'm going to give them something to be f--ing scared of....I'm a radical who is now on a mission to make them all pay for what they've done."
"Burn their f--ing churches to the ground, and then tax the charred timbers."
"I hope the No on 8 people have a long list and long knives."
"I swear, I'd murder people with my bare hands this morning."
"Trust me. I've got a big list of names of mormons and catholics [sic] that were big supporters of Prop 8....As far as mormons and catholics...I warn them to watch their backs."

According to Barber, this amounts to more than just people "blowing off steam" because they are dissatisfied with a political outcome.

Matt Barber"This is criminal activity, and federal authorities need to investigate this immediately," he asserts. "These are hate crimes under the definition of hate crimes." The activist believes it would be "national front-page news" if Christian websites were advocating violence against homosexuals.

Barber says he finds the blog postings "ironic" because "homosexual activists are the first to decry hate and intolerance." He is calling on groups such as the Human Rights Campaign and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force to call immediately for an end to the threats of violence against Christians.

Thirty states now have constitutional amendments defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman; 40 have a Defense of Marriage Act on the books.

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