Who is brave enough these days to tell the REAL TRUTH about the POPULAR perversions that continue to immoralize our very moral values in the public eye these days? It is a no wonder that many other countries and nations call us "WHITE DEVILS" or describe our nation as "THE GREAT SATAN". To ever think ONCE we were a moral Christian nation mostly and the only proof of that is the US Constitution which true Americans know was based on mere Biblical principles with secular additives just to keep us a PEOPLE ran nation instead of technically a church or tyrannic ran ideology, now seem completly absurd to the rest of the other nations. And many Nations want to be like US?
Since we opened Pandora's box so to speak and ever allowed perversion of all kinds especially HOMOSEXUALITY and all sexual adulteries including ABORTION, just look at history's domino effect down the line since all the immoral allowances have taken our country by force? Are they not things so unbelievable that they are actually allowed to be taught as the norm? NO wonder the PERVERTED violently fight against the HOLY BIBLE alone and those who stand with it? It makes them guilty and reveals their condemnation.
Just look at how slavery to PERVERSION chokes out a moral society even to the point of our FREE PRESSED Media? and the sewer of HOLLYWOOD to be spokespersons and or political leaders to defend their perversions that have them so deep in bondage? There is even SONGS and videos against those who stood for Marriage between a man and a woman? DO PEOPLE REALLY LOVE THEIR SIN THAT MUCH TO IDIOTICALLY AND FOOLISHLY DO SUCH WICKED THINGS AND EVEN GO AGAINST A FAIR ELECTORAL PROCESS?
That answer is an obvious yes and it is truly terribly sad. PERVERSION must have it's sick ways by any means necessary.
Isaiah 1:5
Why should you be stricken and punished any more [since it brings no correction]? You will revolt more and more. The whole head is sick, and the whole heart is faint (feeble, sick, and nauseated).
Those caught in bondage to perversions (or EVIL) such as HOMOSEXUALITY or any other sexual adulteries etc. then tend to try to go out of their way to PERVERT even justice any which way they can and it seems in this sick environment perversion is causing all the corruption to fall in this domino effect more rapidly today like birth pains as JESUS said;
Mar 13:8.......These are the beginning of birth pains.
To this point again it is no wonder that things are the "same old politics as usual" and nothing will be done about the demoralization of our nation. This is the first step to real CHANGE if this change is ever possible. {FIRST YOU MUST REPENT AND ASK THE KING OF KINGS TO HEAL OUR NATION OF IMMORALITY}. Corruption will never be put at bay as long as we as a nation continue to tolerate immorality of any kind. You see Immorality robs our nation of LIBERTY and JUSTICE, continues to add to crime and tyranny etc etc, And most of all leads us away from the TRUTH that GOD put into our makeup naturally which HE must and WILL PUNISH very soon.
So we see That PERVERSION needs to be addressed daily and we must stand against those who continue to FORCE their sick perversions into society like an uncrushable virus and bring our Nation of the US back to being a GODLY nation again and if we can be this example once again this may cause all other to do the same GOD willing if it is in HIS Plan we are still seeking HIM for in HIS WORD.
In Conclusion, If you are a person caught in the evil web like a slave to perversion of any kind, the time is now to realize that there is no way out by yourselves and you are condemned already in your sins. IF you are to die in the next couple of minutes do you think you will be saved from GOD's JUST Punishments?
Richard G. White
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