Another report on the disgusting wiles of the wicked but this time it is a warning for those who continue to allow ABORTION to still be a wicked sacrifice of the innocent who have never even left the womb.
Saying your prochoice is such a cowardly statement. No one and I mean no one who commits adultery has the right to irresponsibly make a CHOICE to kill the unborn in the womb. LIFE begins a conception what part of that FACT do you not understand?
QUIT FORNICATION and trying to justify your sinful actions. You reap what you sow period in all things, GOD can never be mocked GET IT?
Job 39:16
She is hardened against her young ones, as though they were not hers; her labor is in vain because she has no sense of danger [for her unborn brood],
READER, If you are a person that went through this CHOICE like I have but on the other side of the coin, GOD is still waiting for you to cry out to HIM. Let HIM transform you now to HIS image and his likeness now. Come NOW be BORN FROM ABOVE so you can enter the Kingdom of GOD in Christ JESUS. HE is ready to show mercy and forgive all your sins.
For JESUS knows exactly where you are at. For HE is a GOD who understands and has been through all the HUMAN things and knows what it is like. HE suffered and died so you and I can LIVE. That is TRUE LOVE And HE was resurrected on SO we all can be justified by Faith alone.
He is calling all to repentance. Will you continue to reject HIM too?
Today is the day of salvation.
RW JAN 2008
Abortion memorial to honor 50 million dead
Cyberspace project intended to support personhood campaign
Posted: January 15, 2009
12:00 am Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
The 58,000 names on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C., occupy a 10-foot wall that is 500 feet long, so pro-life activists assembling a memorial for the estimated 50 million dead as a result of the 1973 legalization of abortion had to turn to cyberspace.
That's because a wall with that many names would be more than 80 miles long.
The new project, called Personhood, is intended to raise awareness of the cost of abortion in American lives and generate support for a series of advertisements that address the personhood issue: the idea that constitutional rights should be conferred on the unborn.
Dan Becker, the chief of Georgia Right to Life, which has been involved in battling for recognition of personhood rights, said the response has been phenomenal.
The site offers the opportunity for visitors to submit a name of an abortion holocaust victim and contribute to the effort to publicize the ads, one of which is embedded here:
In the ad, two prospective parents discuss options for their coming child with a doctor. The physician describes the wonderful genetic advances that have just been developed as they talk about the sex of the child - male - and hair color, blonde.
The discussion is interrupted when the couple's young daughter, apparently born before such technological innovations, turns to her mother and asks: "Would you love me more if I were perfect?"
Hundreds of visitors have been visiting the site daily to participate, organizers for the site said.
Supportpersonhood.com features a short video describing the goal of remembering individual victims of abortion by granting them an identity and providing an epitaph, thereby personalizing the loss.
"Unlike the Jewish Holocaust, there are no pictures of death and destruction to prick our consciences and bring these dark deeds into the light. There is no enduring reminder that these children were our hope and our future," Becker said.
"They are voiceless, faceless and anonymous thereby leaving no lasting impression of their short existence," he said.
"The purpose of this project is to promote personhood within our culture," said Becker.
"We need to be a voice for the voiceless, and we saw this as a way to portray the loss that each individual human life represents. By naming each child, we clothe them in death with the human dignity they deserve," he said.
Individuals are asked to "adopt a child" and provide it an identity and leave a short memorial message. The wall is searchable and the "adoptions" of others may be viewed.
The concept, a new effort by many pro-life activists across the nation, was described in a commentary by Robert Muise of the Thomas More Law Center.
"While seeking to decrease the number of abortions performed in this country is a laudable endeavor and should continue, we must never forget that ending all abortions is the ultimate goal," he said. "Protecting innocent human life is not negotiable.
He said while critics argue that regulating abortion and seeking to end abortion are "either-or" propositions, they aren't.
"There is no conflict between the two positions, so long as principle is not compromised in the process. Both strategies can and must coexist. However, it would be a tragic mistake to be content with a strategy that makes ending abortion secondary to other regulatory efforts, or worse yet, a strategy that avoids it altogether. Accordingly, passing a human life amendment should be the pro-life movement's main effort," he said.
He suggested a case needs to be presented to the United States Supreme Court to challenge the central premise of Roe – that the unborn is not a person within the meaning of the law.
"In Roe," he said, "the court conceded that if the 'personhood' of the fetus 'is established, [the case for abortion], of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the [Fourteenth] Amendment.'"
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