COMMENTARY. Immoral reasoning the dumbing down of humanity.
We all know that our American Government today is mostly ran by immoral-ites, owned by special interest wealthy agenda-ites who have no care for the US Constitution or have any respect for our 200 year old system and the Fore Fathers that help bring this into effect blessed by GOD. I continue to blow the same Trumpet continuously possibly annoying most of you with the same old stories, but it is the same old story. Tell what is new? What will really change? Corruption and self interest in Government will never change while sin still owns the world technically. And self absorb behavior will continue to allow sin to lead many down that WIDE road that only leads to destruction. I ask when will we truly have a Moral society again if that can be possible before Christ comes back. Some Christian re constructionist believe this is a possibility through prayer and action. Some others in the faith just give up because they are taught a systematic pessimistic eschatology or think they will be raptured and really just go on with their lives until that happens, and many are just comfortable thinking GOD blessings of God gien materialism will not waver for them in this crises because they are "living their best life now" why would GOD subject me to wrath or tribulation when HE loves me and says we are not subject to HIS wrath or judgments as they take Scripture way out of context to justify their cares for the world. Take a place for a Majority Leader and leaders who claim Christianity but act against morality at all cost to keep themselves as lifers in office so they can get paid all the days of their indulgent lives. Especially blaming now that Children are the problem of all these drains of economy and that contraception and abortion is a final solution for our economy? But hey what do we really expect from a sinful world? I do believe as the example of the book of Jonah and his sign it is still possible to CHANGE with prayer and action, but then again will the Church ever act? Again Judgment starts in the house of GOD first.
RW Jan 2008
Pelosi: Fewer babies = stronger economy
Charlie Butts and Jody Brown - OneNewsNow - 1/27/2009 6:00:00 AMBookmark and Share
Updated 8:45 a.m. Central
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stirred up a hornet's nest by promoting the idea of spending of millions of dollars on birth control and abortion as part of the economic stimulus package.
"Contraception," argued Pelosi, "will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government." Her comments came on ABC's This Week when asked by host George Stephanopoulos how expanding "family-planning services" to the tune of millions of dollars will stimulate the economy. OneNewsNow sought reaction from Susan Fani, director of communications for the Catholic League.
"It's quite shocking, actually, that the Speaker of the House -- who claims to be Catholic -- would go on national television and claim that contraception would reduce the cost to the government," exclaims Fani. "It's just beyond words, really."
Pelosi has five children and six grandchildren. Catholic League president Bill Donohue finds her comments revealing. "We have reached a new low when high-ranking public office holders in the federal government cast children as the enemy," he offers in a press statement. "But at least it explains their enthusiasm for abortion-on-demand."
Will the spending on "family-planning services" help dig America out of its economic doldrums?
"That's not going to help grow the economy," Fani responds. "It doesn't even make sense as a prospect for helping this country through our economic crisis. So it's wrong on so many different levels, and just shows...a very flawed thought process."
American Life League calls Pelosi's remarks "a betrayal" of her Catholic faith, and the Christian Defense Coalition says it is "unthinkable" that she would try to stimulate the economy by "seeking to reduce the number of children."
America needs to produce 2.1 children per couple to keep up with births to support the population -- and that rate is not being maintained. Economies in Europe have been especially hurt by a drop in birth rates.
"Pelosi should abstain from social engineering"
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