Thursday, February 12, 2009


SO Sad that no AMERICAN save a few even cares about our history, the glory GOD gave this nation, and to show all the world that actually a PEOPLE can rule equally if HE is HONORED above all things because the GOVERNMENT IS ON HIS SHOULDERS FACTUALLY.
And now here we are in a mess our LEADERS have put the People through because the WE THE PEOPLE voice truly is silenced by the WICKED few who are out to continue to spread the plague of immorality and wickedness ever proving the BIBLE is true to HIS EVERY word. DOES ANYONE CARE ABOUT OUR NATION ANYMORE TRUTHFULLY?
Oh how awful to fall into the hands of an angry, just and righteous GOD when we knew better every second of our lives. And the worst thing that will ever befall man will not be hell but standing in front of HIM as our Judge when HE could have been our Savior saying to us who LOVE HIM "Well done faithful servant enter into the JOY of your LORD".
The second worst thing will be the deserved punishment of the second death in the LAKE OF FIRE as is promised for GOD's enemies. And who could ever say to HIM, "What have you done"? How many times does HE have to show and tell you?

“For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.”- John 3:16

What a merciful GOD and HIS mercy will endure forever for those who truly LOVE HIM.

RW FEB 2009

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